More Tula Pink - Moonshine is here

It's back - the Mystery Fat Quarter Event at Fabric Spark has begun again and will run until September 14. It's a good time to stash build. As we all return to our normal routines and start thinking about fall sewing projects, think about adding a little fun mystery to your happy mail. This is my favourite event. We had great feedback on the choices we made for all the sewists who participated last spring and we hope you will love our picks this time around. All of the fabric is from our current collection. Don't forget to use the promo code FQfun and, as always, please let us know what you are making.
I am so excited, it's finally here. I love felt. I love the colours, the flexibility, I love that nothing needs hemming and I love the inspiration. I immediately start thinking about what I'm going to make next. Woolfelt is the best felt to work with. It's a blend of wool and rayon and that makes it softer, easy to work with and the colours are excellent. I had a lot of fun choosing which colours to get into the store. It's a good mix of colours for the holiday, or any day. They are vibrant and super pretty.
I hope you like working with it as much as I do.
Win this bundle at
Melissa is holding a give away on her blog for the beautiful bundle she curated for us. Check out her site and while you're there explore her patterns and tutorials. She is a creative sewist and has lots of ideas that will keep you busy!
They have arrived at last. The creative collective of Melody Miller, Rashida Coleman-Hale, Sarah Watts, Alexa Abegg, and Kimberly Kight are finally in the shop. The best of the collections and the best of the basics. Think about all of the wonderful projects you will be inspired to make. I encourage you to search #cottonandsteel on Instagram and Twitter to see what I'm talking about (some countries have had their fabric a little longer so a few folks have had a jump start). Great projects showing up.
Stay tuned, collection bundles are on their way.
Sherri of Thread Riding Hood made a perfect travelling day dress out of the striking African Palm Indigo fabric and the April Rhodes Staple Dress pattern. She chose for colour, drape and density of pattern and it all came together beautifully.
Sherri made the pattern her own by modifying the pattern to create a new hemline that adds to the easy going elegance of her look. If you're not confident revising patterns (I am definitely not!), check out her blog for a clear and easy to follow tutorial and creating this shirt tale effect. It takes the dress in another direction.
Check out this beautiful bundle curated by Holly at Bijou Lovely . You can win it if you go to her blog and participate. It's a really pretty mix of summery colours and beautiful designs. She is a professional photographer and has a great eye. I think this is fresh and full of pop.