The Strike Hasn't Impacted our Shipping Rates
We have found an alternative courier that is about the same cost as Canada Post so we're holding our flat rate shipping rates* for the duration of the strike. You can read more about it here.
The time to deliver is reported to be about 5-7 business days so be aware it may take a little bit longer than you are used to with Canada Post.
Please shop small business during the strike. These are the companies most impacted by the loss of this affordable shipping service and after a very challenging year, will need your support.
*There are a small number of locations that are not serviced by this courier, if you place an order and we discover that we are unable to get it to you by this means, we'll let you know and you can either opt to have it held until Canada Post is back at work, or you can have it shipped (for a premium) by an alternative courier.
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