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Quilt Inspiration

I love it when people send me pictures of what they're making or what they've finished.  I started Fabric Spark because I find fabric inspiring. When I look at a great print, I know almost immediately what I want to make out of it.  Then life gets in the way and I often don't make all the things I envisioned.  Sometimes, I don't get to make anything.  However, I am happy to live vicariously through the sewing projects of all of Fabric Spark's supporters and friends.  

This picture is a recent and perfect example of a beautiful project that was finished and shared by Noreen, a super supporter and customer. I love how she has transformed a little bundle of Cotton & Steel fat quarters into a funky, modern, and heart warming baby quilt for a relative. The lions in the middle knock me out.

So please send me your pictures - it really makes me happy to see what you do with the fabric - and I know everyone else gets as excited by your ideas as I do.  

Previous article Celestial is here from Lewis and Irene

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