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Win a Very Shannon FQ bundle


I'm really excited to announce my first blogger curated bundle from Very Shannon.  Shannon is a super talented maker from Vancouver Island. She designs and develops her own knitting and sewing patterns and has recently co-written a book of beautiful knitting projects.  I asked her to curate a bundle of 6 fat quarters from Fabric Spark and she chose a striking mix of black and whites from Lotta Jansdotter, Carolyn Friedlander and Michael Miller.  I'm attaching her photograph because she is a better photographer than I am and she has a super black and white rug peaking out that I thought you'd all enjoy.  This image is making me think very monochromatic thoughts for my own place.  

You can win this beautiful bundle if you go to the Very Shannon blog and enter by telling her what you'd do with the fabric if you won (contest information and rules are available there too).  

Thank you Shannon for a choosing a great combination of fabric.  


Previous article Celestial is here from Lewis and Irene

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